Utilization of Technology and Community Engagement in Increasing Demand for ANC Services

According to the World Bank estimates, Nigeria’s Maternal Mortality Rate, MMR  is still as high as 800 per 100,000 live births. This means in every 10 minutes, one woman dies on account of pregnancy or childbirth in Nigeria, giving a total of 53,000 per year.

We built a Software Application Called MCHTrack, a Data Management System for Maternal and Child Health Services to help Katsina State Primary Healthcare Development Agency (SPHCDA) in enhancing efficiency of health care service delivery to pregnant women in terms of Antenatal Care, Postnatal Care and Routine Immunization using ICT tools.  The application was deployed in PHCs for enrolment and tracking of clients (pregnant women) and generating automated/scheduled reminders on ANC follow – up visits to the clients through Traditional Birth Attendants. 

Datharm was able to secure a partnership with Katsina State Government Primary Healthcare Development Agency to scale up after our initial test run. We are also currently in talks with UNICEF, the Nigerian National Population Commission for partnership with Datharm in addition to the existing partnership with Katsina SPHCDA. 

Our goal for the scale up is to contribute to the national effort of reducing maternal and neonatal mortality by minimising cases of maternal and newborn health complications as well as increasing children’s access to basic services and social protection benefits through the use of technology and actionable data for Decision and Policy makers.