BHCPF M&E Tracking Software

In our effort to provide visibility to last-mile Healthcare Financing, we  developed and deployed a mobile app, BHCPF M&E Tracking Tool in Primary Health Centres (PHCs) to reduce transaction times and improve transparency and accountability in the implementation of Basic Healthcare Provision Fund (BHCPF).

It was designed for PHCs to develop their quarterly Business Plans and submit Financial Reports/Retirements to theirs supervisors at LGA and State Level with a feedback mechanism integrated at each review/approval level. We also developed a dashboard that analyzes the data and generates M&E indicators on Financial Management, Service Delivery, Systems Strengthening and Governance.

User assessment report on the program have provided positive insights into the appropriateness, usability, feasibility and acceptance of such digital tool by health facility in-charges and supervisors in documentation and reporting of BHCPF activities.  All stakeholders interviewed unanimously recommend  wider introduction of the BHCPF M&E Tracking Software especially the use of it in developing Business Plans, Financial Retirement and submissions of reports to supervisors.

You can read more about our implementation successes, challenges and lesson learnt in this Learning Brief

Meet Aisha, one of our most enthusiastic users! A PHC In-Charge using BHCPF M&E Tracking Software to provide visibility for Last-Mile Health Care Facility Financing.